Friday, May 20, 2011

Busy Busy

It has been pretty busy around here in the McDermott house...

This week has flown by and I still have not had a chance to recap our wonderful weekend!  This past weekend, Brian was off and we were able to do a lot of fun stuff.  It was such a wonderful two days spending precious time with my boys!

We started off Saturday by heading to the mall to pick James up a pair of water sandals from the Gap.  We ran in and got the shoes and on our way out of the mall we discovered they were having a Safety Festival for kids in the parking lot.

We just had to stop by.  James got to check out the police horse and he was even able to drive the police truck!  (ok... not really.  But he did get to pretend like he was driving the police truck!)

He also got to drive the fire truck!  
And I cannot forget how he flirted with the cute EMT lady in the ambulance.  She even gave him a Jr. EMT hat. 

After the mall, we decided to head over to a park near our house that we have been meaning to check out.  We loaded up the car with the wagon and once we got to the park, we took James for a stroll down to the water.  It was SOO beautiful!  I do not know why we have never gone to the park before.  I could have just stayed by the water for hours...

After enjoying a quick snack by the water, we headed up to take James to play in the splash pad - which was our main reason of coming to this particular park.  It was not super warm on Saturday (mid 80s) and the water was super cold - but we think James had a blast!

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, going to church, eating lots of food and getting some new professional photos taken by my favorite photographer (more on that later....).

All in all... it was a wonderful weekend.  I love summer time and I love being able to share in new experiences with my little guy.

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