I did this with James and thought it would be fun to do with Baby #2 as well.
There are SO many old wives’ tales out there that supposedly indicate whether you are having a boy or a girl - so just for fun, I thought I would test some of them out to see what is in store for us this round!
After each tale, I have indicated whether we will be having a boy or a girl according to the specifics:
- Morning Sickness – If you did not experience morning sickness in early pregnancy it is a boy and it is a girl if you did have morning sickness early in pregnancy = BOY
- Baby’s
Heart Rate – If the heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute, it is
a boy and if its more than 140 beats per minute, it is a girl = GIRL
- Acne - An increased amount of acne during pregnancy means you are having a baby girl = BOY
- Food
Cravings - If you crave salty food while pregnant it means you are
having a boy and if you crave sweet food while you are pregnant it means
you are having a girl = GIRL
- Hands – Dry hands mean a boy and soft hands mean a girl = GIRL
- Age
+ Conception #1 - The Mayans take the mothers age at conception and the
year of conception and add them together. If the result is an even
number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a
boy is on the way = GIRL
- Age + Conception #2 - Add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived. If the sum is even it’s a boy, if its odd a girl = BOY
- Weight
- If someone can’t tell you are pregnant from the back, it’s a boy
because with a girl you would be pregnant all over = BOY
- Chinese Lundar Calendar = GIRL
Boy wives tales: 4
Girl wives tales: 5
So, it looks like GIRL this time around! We shall see find out soon enough...